Dec 12, 2017 · Our objective is to analyze the robustness of different designs within a typical stated choice experiment context of a trade-off between price and quality. We use as an example transportation mode choice, where the key parameter to estimate is the value of time (VOT). ... Jul 1, 2023 · Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) are frequently used to estimate and forecast the behavior of an individual's choice. DCEs are based on stated preference; therefore, underlying experimental designs are required for this type of study. ... The D-efficiency values are a function of the number of points in the design, the number of independent variables in the model, and the maximum standard error for prediction over the design points. The best design is the one with the highest D-efficiency. ... Our objective is to analyze the robustness of different designs within a typical stated choice experiment context of a trade-off between price and quality. We use as an example transportation mode choice, where the key parameter to estimate is the value of time (VOT). ... Hence, in recent years a new approach has emerged: efficient design. The aim of efficient design is to minimize the standard error of the parameters in the model specification. This can be done by utilizing the asymptotic variance-covariance (AVC) matrix. With discrete choice models (unlike linear regression), the AVC matrix is a function of ... Constructing D-e¢ cient designs using dcreate The D-e¢ ciency of a random design can be improved by systematically changing the levels in the alternatives using a search algorithm The Stata dcreate command uses the modi–ed Fedorov algorithm (Cook and Nachtsheim, 1980; Zwerina et al., 1996; Carlsson and Martinsson, 2003) ... EDT is a Python-based tool to construct D-efficient designs for Discrete Choice Experiments. EDT combines enough flexibility to construct from simple 2-alternative designs with few attributes, to more complex settings that may involve conditions between attributes. ... Jun 1, 2018 · The primary aim of this systematic survey was to review simulation studies to determine design features that affect the statistical efficiency of DCEs—measured using relative D-efficiency, relative D-optimality, or D-error; and to appraise the completeness of reporting of the studies using the criteria for reporting simulation studies [24]. ... Jun 15, 2023 · Augmented designs meet efficiency lower bound requirements. New points can be added to a D-optimal design choosen from candidate regions. The practitioner can therefore flexibily augment a D-optimal design. D-augmented designs tackle some of the challenges and drawbacks of D-optimal designs. ... Jul 31, 2018 · To maximize the chance for success in an experiment, good experimental design is needed. However, the presence of unique constraints may prevent mapping the experimental scenario onto a... ... ">

D-efficient or deficient? A robustness analysis of stated choice experimental designs

  • Published: 12 December 2017
  • Volume 84 , pages 215–238, ( 2018 )

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d efficient experimental design

  • Joan L. Walker   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Yanqiao Wang 2 ,
  • Mikkel Thorhauge 3 &
  • Moshe Ben-Akiva 4  

4579 Accesses

84 Citations

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This paper is motivated by the increasing popularity of efficient designs for stated choice experiments. The objective in efficient designs is to create a stated choice experiment that minimizes the standard errors of the estimated parameters. In order to do so, such designs require specifying prior values for the parameters to be estimated. While there is significant literature demonstrating the efficiency improvements (and cost savings) of employing efficient designs, the bulk of the literature tests conditions where the priors used to generate the efficient design are assumed to be accurate. However, there is substantially less literature that compares how different design types perform under varying degree of error of the prior. The literature that does exist assumes small fractions are used (e.g., under 20 unique choice tasks generated), which is in contrast to computer-aided surveys that readily allow for large fractions. Further, the results in the literature are abstract in that there is no reference point (i.e., meaningful units) to provide clear insight on the magnitude of any issue. Our objective is to analyze the robustness of different designs within a typical stated choice experiment context of a trade-off between price and quality. We use as an example transportation mode choice, where the key parameter to estimate is the value of time (VOT). Within this context, we test many designs to examine how robust efficient designs are against a misspecification of the prior parameters. The simple mode choice setting allows for insightful visualizations of the designs themselves and also an interpretable reference point (VOT) for the range in which each design is robust. Not surprisingly, the D-efficient design is most efficient in the region where the true population VOT is near the prior used to generate the design: the prior is $20/h and the efficient range is $10–$30/h. However, the D-efficient design quickly becomes the most inefficient outside of this range (under $5/h and above $40/h), and the estimation significantly degrades above $50/h. The orthogonal and random designs are robust for a much larger range of VOT. The robustness of Bayesian efficient designs varies depending on the variance that the prior assumes. Implementing two-stage designs that first use a small sample to estimate priors are also not robust relative to uninformative designs. Arguably, the random design (which is the easiest to generate) performs as well as any design, and it (as well as any design) will perform even better if data cleaning is done to remove choice tasks where one alternative dominates the other.

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An earlier draft of this work was initially presented at the Transportation Research Board annual meeting in January of 2015 (Walker et al. 2015 ), and we thank the reviewers from that process as well as the discussion that followed from the presentation and circulation of the working paper. We thank Andre de Palma and Nathalie Picard for organizing the symposium in honor of Daniel McFadden and for following it up with this special issue. We thank two anonymous reviewers assigned by this journal. We also thank Michael Galczynski for the idea for the title.

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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Center for Global Metropolitan Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 111 McLaughlin Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA

Joan L. Walker

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 116 McLaughlin Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA

Yanqiao Wang

Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Bygningstorvet 116B, 2800, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Mikkel Thorhauge

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room 1-181, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA

Moshe Ben-Akiva

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Correspondence to Joan L. Walker .

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Walker, J.L., Wang, Y., Thorhauge, M. et al. D-efficient or deficient? A robustness analysis of stated choice experimental designs. Theory Decis 84 , 215–238 (2018).

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Published : 12 December 2017

Issue Date : March 2018


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D-efficient or deficient? A robustness analysis of stated choice experimental designs


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EDT: Efficient designs for Discrete Choice Experiments

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EDT is a Python-based tool to construct D-efficient designs for Discrete Choice Experiments. EDT combines enough flexibility to construct from simple 2-alternative designs with few attributes, to more complex settings that may involve conditions between attributes.

While EDT designs are based on the widely-used D-efficiency criterion (see Kuhfeld, 2005), it differs from other free- or open-source efficient design tools (such as idefix for R) on the use of a Random Swapping Algorithm based on the work of Quan, Rose, Collins and Bliemer (2011), obtaining significant speed improvements to reach an optimal design, to a level that competes with well-known paid software such as NGene.

The main features of EDT are:

Allows to customize each attribute in terms of:

  • Attribute Levels
  • Continuous or Dummy coding (Effects coding is work-in-progress)
  • Assignement of prior parameters
  • Attribute names

Designs with constraints: EDT allows to define conditions over different attribute levels.

Designs with blocks.

Designs with alternative-specific constants (ASC).

Multiple stopping criteria (Fixed number of iterations, iterations without improvement or fixed time).

Allows to export the output design in an Excel file.

Any contributions to EDT are welcome via this Git, or to the email joseignaciohernandezh at gmail dot com.

  • Kuhfeld, W. F. (2005). Experimental design, efficiency, coding, and choice designs. Marketing research methods in SAS: Experimental design, choice, conjoint, and graphical techniques , 47-97.
  • Quan, W., Rose, J. M., Collins, A. T., & Bliemer, M. C. (2011). A comparison of algorithms for generating efficient choice experiments.

Contributors 2

  • Python 100.0%

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  • Published: 31 July 2018


Optimal experimental design

  • Byran Smucker 1 ,
  • Martin Krzywinski 2 &
  • Naomi Altman 3  

Nature Methods volume  15 ,  pages 559–560 ( 2018 ) Cite this article

28k Accesses

69 Citations

20 Altmetric

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Customize the experiment for the setting instead of adjusting the setting to fit a classical design.

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To maximize the chance for success in an experiment, good experimental design is needed. However, the presence of unique constraints may prevent mapping the experimental scenario onto a classical design. In these cases, we can use optimal design: a powerful, general-purpose tool that offers an attractive alternative to classical design and provides a framework within which to obtain high-quality, statistically grounded designs under nonstandard conditions. It can flexibly accommodate constraints, is connected to statistical quantities of interest and often mimics intuitive classical designs.

For example, suppose we wish to test the effects of a drug’s concentration in the range 0–100 ng/ml on the growth of cells. The cells will be grown with the drug in test tubes, arranged on a rack with four shelves. Our goal may be to determine whether the drug has an effect and precisely estimate the effect size or to identify the concentration at which the response is optimal. We will address both by finding designs that are optimal for regression parameter estimation as well as designs optimal for prediction precision.

To illustrate how constraints may influence our design, suppose that the shelves receive different amounts of light, which might lead to systematic variation between shelves. The shelf would therefore be a natural block 1 . Since we don’t expect such systematic variation within a shelf, the order of tubes on a shelf can be randomized. Furthermore, each shelf can only hold nine test tubes. The experimental design question, then, is: What should be the drug concentration in each of the 36 tubes?

If concentration were a categorical factor, we could compare the mean response at nine concentrations—a traditional randomized complete block design (RCBD) 1 . However, because concentration is actually continuous, discrete levels unduly limit which concentrations are studied and reduce our ability to detect an effect and estimate the concentration that produces an optimal response. Classical designs, like full factorials or RCBDs, assume an ideal and simple experimental setup, which may be inappropriate for all experimental goals or untenable in the presence of constraints.

Optimal design provides a principled approach to accommodating the entire range of concentrations and making full use of each shelf’s capacity. It can incorporate a variety of constraints such as sample size restrictions (e.g., the lab has a limited supply of test tubes), awkward blocking structures (e.g., shelves have different capacities) or disallowed treatment combinations (e.g., certain combinations of factor levels may be infeasible or otherwise undesirable).

To assist in describing optimal design, let’s review some terminology. The drug is a ‘factor’, and particular concentrations are ‘levels’. A particular combination of factor levels is a ‘treatment’ (with just a single factor, a treatment is simply a factor level) applied to an ‘experimental unit’, which is a test tube. The shelves are ‘blocks’, which are collections of experimental units that are similar in traits (e.g., light level) that might affect the experimental outcome 1 . The possible set of treatments that could be chosen is the ‘design space’. A ‘run’ is the execution of a single experimental unit, and the ‘sample size’ is the number of runs in the experiment.

Optimal design optimizes a numerical criterion, which typically relates to the variance or other statistically relevant properties of the design, and uses as input the number of runs, the factors and their possible levels, block structure (if any), and a hypothesized form of the relationship between the response and the factors. Two of the most common criteria are the D-criterion and the I-criterion. They are fundamentally different: the D-criterion relates to the variance of factor effects, and the I-criterion addresses the precision of predictions.

To understand the D-criterion (determinant), suppose we have a quadratic regression model 2 with parameters β 1 and β 2 that relate the factor to the response (for simplicity, ignore β 0 , the intercept). Our estimates of these parameters, \(\hat \beta _1\) and \(\hat \beta _2\) , will have error and, assuming the model error variance is known, the D-optimal design minimizes the area of the ellipse that defines the joint confidence interval for the parameters (Fig. 1 ). This area will include the true values of both β 1 and β 2 in 95% (or some other desired proportion) of repeated executions of the design, and its size and shape are a function of the data’s overall variance and the design.

figure 1

The ellipse can be projected onto each axis to obtain the familiar one-dimensional confidence intervals for each parameter (shown as blue points with error bars). The D-criterion reduces the variance of the parameter estimates and/or the correlation between the estimates by minimizing the area of the ellipse.

On the other hand, the I-criterion (integrated variance) is used when the experimental goal is to make precise predictions of the response, rather than to obtain precise estimates of the model parameters. An I-optimal design chooses the set of runs to minimize the average variance in prediction across the joint range of the factors. The prediction variance is a function of several elements: the data’s overall error variance, the factor levels at which we are predicting, and also the design itself. This criterion is more complicated mathematically because it involves integration.

For both criteria, numerical heuristics are used in the optimization but they do not guarantee a global optimum. For most scenarios, however, near-optimal designs are adequate and not hard to obtain.

Returning to our example, suppose we wish to obtain a precise estimate of our drug’s effect on the mean response. If we expect that the effect is linear (our model has one parameter of interest, β 1 , which is the slope), the D-optimal design places either four or five experimental units in each block at the low level (0 ng/ml) and the remaining units at the high level (100 ng/ml). Thus, to obtain a precise estimate of β 1 , we want to place the concentration values as far apart as possible in order to stabilize the estimate. Assigning four or five units of each concentration to each shelf helps to reduce the confounding of drug and shelf effects.

One downside to this simple low–high design is its inability to detect departures from linearity. If we expect that, after accounting for block differences, the relationship between the response and the factor may be curvilinear (with both a linear and quadratic term: y = β 0 + β 1 x + β 2 x 2 + ε , where ε is the error and β 0 is the intercept, which we'll ignore here; we also omit the block terms for the sake of simplicity), the D-optimal design is 3–3–3 (at 0, 50 and 100 ng/ml, respectively) within each block.

In many settings, the goal is to learn about whether and how factors affect the response (i.e., whether β 1 and/or β 2 are non-zero and, if so, how far from zero they are), in which case the D-criterion is a good choice. In other cases, the goal is to find the level of the factors that optimizes the response, in which case a design that produces more precise predictions is better. The I-criterion, which minimizes the average prediction variance across the design region, is a natural choice.

In our example, the I-optimal design for the linear model is equivalent to that generated by the D-criterion: within each block, it allocates either four or five units to the low level and the rest to the high level. However, the I-optimal design for the model that includes both linear and quadratic effects is 2–5–2 within each block; that is, it places two experimental units at the low and high levels of the factor and places five in the center.

The quality of these designs in terms of their prediction variance can be compared using fraction of design space (FDS) plots 3 . We show this plot for the D- and I-optimal designs for the quadratic case (Fig. 2a ). A point on an FDS plot gives the proportion of the design space (the fraction of the 0–100 ng/ml interval, across the blocks) that has a prediction variance less than or equal to the value on the y axis. For instance, the I-optimal design yields a lower median prediction variance than the D-optimal design: at most 0.13 for 50% of the design space as compared to 0.15. Because of the extra runs at 50 ng/ml, the I-optimal design has a lower prediction variance in the middle of the region than the D-optimal design, but variance is higher near the edges (Fig. 2b ).

figure 2

a , Prediction variance as a function of the fraction of design space (FDS). b , The variance profile across the range of concentrations for both designs.

Our one-factor blocking example demonstrates the basics of optimal design. A more realistic experiment might involve the same blocking structure but three factors—each with a specified range—and a goal to determine how the response is impacted by the factors and their interactions. We want to study the factors in combination; otherwise, any interactions between them will go undetected and the statistical efficiency to estimate factor effects is reduced.

Without the blocking constraint, a typical strategy would be to specify and use a high and low level for each factor and to perform an experiment using several replicates of the 2 3 = 8 treatment combinations. This is a classical two-level factorial design 4 that under reasonable assumptions provides ample power to detect factor effects and two-factor interactions. Unfortunately, this design doesn’t map to our scenario and can’t use the full nine-unit capacity of each shelf—unlike an optimal design, which can (Fig. 3 ).

figure 3

The D-optimal design that assigns three factors (a–c) at two levels each—low (unfilled circles) and high (filled circles)—to nine tubes on each of four shelves. The shelves are blocks and the design accounts for the main effects of the three factors and the three two-factor interactions. Each treatment is replicated at least four times, with treatments in tubes 3–7 on each shelf replicated five times.

In unconstrained settings where a classical design would be appropriate, optimal designs often turn out to be the same as their traditional counterparts. For instance, any RCBD 1 is both D- and I-optimal. Or, for a design with a sample size of 24, three factors, no blocks, and an assumed model that includes the three factor effects and all of the two-factor interactions, both the D- and I-criteria yield as optimal the two-level full-factorial design with three replicates.

So far, we have described optimal designs conceptually but have not discussed the details of how to construct them or how to analyze them 5 . Specialized software to construct optimal designs is widely available and accessible. To analyze the designs we’ve discussed—with continuous factors—it is necessary to use regression 2 (rather than ANOVA) to meaningfully relate the response to the factors. This approach allows the researcher to identify large main effects or quadratic terms and even two-factor interactions.

Optimal designs are not a panacea. There is no guarantee that (i) the experiment can achieve good power, (ii) the model form is valid and (iii) the criterion reflects the objectives of the experiment. Optimal design requires careful thought about the experiment. However, in an experiment with constraints, these assumptions can usually be specified reasonably.

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Associate Professor of Statistics at Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA

Byran Smucker

Staff scientist at Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Martin Krzywinski

Professor of Statistics at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA

Naomi Altman

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Correspondence to Martin Krzywinski .

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Smucker, B., Krzywinski, M. & Altman, N. Optimal experimental design. Nat Methods 15 , 559–560 (2018).

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Published : 31 July 2018

Issue Date : August 2018


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d efficient experimental design


  1. Experimental Study Design: Types, Methods, Advantages

    d efficient experimental design

  2. Efficient Experimental Design

    d efficient experimental design

  3. Experimental Design Storyboard Tarafından oliversmith

    d efficient experimental design

  4. D-optimal Experimental Design.

    d efficient experimental design

  5. The 3 Types Of Experimental Design (2024)

    d efficient experimental design

  6. Scientific method; it was a step by step process in which you make a hypthosis and have

    d efficient experimental design


  1. D-efficient or deficient? A robustness analysis of stated ...

    Dec 12, 2017 · Our objective is to analyze the robustness of different designs within a typical stated choice experiment context of a trade-off between price and quality. We use as an example transportation mode choice, where the key parameter to estimate is the value of time (VOT).

  2. Discrete choice experiments: An overview on constructing D ...

    Jul 1, 2023 · Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) are frequently used to estimate and forecast the behavior of an individual's choice. DCEs are based on stated preference; therefore, underlying experimental designs are required for this type of study.

  3. D-Optimal designs - NIST

    The D-efficiency values are a function of the number of points in the design, the number of independent variables in the model, and the maximum standard error for prediction over the design points. The best design is the one with the highest D-efficiency.

  4. D-efficient or deficient? A robustness analysis of stated ...

    Our objective is to analyze the robustness of different designs within a typical stated choice experiment context of a trade-off between price and quality. We use as an example transportation mode choice, where the key parameter to estimate is the value of time (VOT).

  5. D-EFFICIENT OR DEFICIENT? A Robustness Analysis of Stated ...

    Hence, in recent years a new approach has emerged: efficient design. The aim of efficient design is to minimize the standard error of the parameters in the model specification. This can be done by utilizing the asymptotic variance-covariance (AVC) matrix. With discrete choice models (unlike linear regression), the AVC matrix is a function of

  6. Creating e¢ cient designs for discrete choice experiments

    Constructing D-e¢ cient designs using dcreate The D-e¢ ciency of a random design can be improved by systematically changing the levels in the alternatives using a search algorithm The Stata dcreate command uses the modi–ed Fedorov algorithm (Cook and Nachtsheim, 1980; Zwerina et al., 1996; Carlsson and Martinsson, 2003)

  7. EDT: Efficient designs for Discrete Choice Experiments

    EDT is a Python-based tool to construct D-efficient designs for Discrete Choice Experiments. EDT combines enough flexibility to construct from simple 2-alternative designs with few attributes, to more complex settings that may involve conditions between attributes.

  8. Investigating the impact of design characteristics on ...

    Jun 1, 2018 · The primary aim of this systematic survey was to review simulation studies to determine design features that affect the statistical efficiency of DCEs—measured using relative D-efficiency, relative D-optimality, or D-error; and to appraise the completeness of reporting of the studies using the criteria for reporting simulation studies [24].

  9. A methodology to D-augment experimental designs - ScienceDirect

    Jun 15, 2023 · Augmented designs meet efficiency lower bound requirements. New points can be added to a D-optimal design choosen from candidate regions. The practitioner can therefore flexibily augment a D-optimal design. D-augmented designs tackle some of the challenges and drawbacks of D-optimal designs.

  10. Optimal experimental design - Nature Methods

    Jul 31, 2018 · To maximize the chance for success in an experiment, good experimental design is needed. However, the presence of unique constraints may prevent mapping the experimental scenario onto a...